Passive Voice – Exercises

 Passive Voice 

Passive Voice – Exercises

Fill in the correct passive form of the verb in parentheses.

  1. After the earthquake, aid was sent to the people of Haiti. (sent)
  2. The electricity was cut off because the bill hadn’t been paid. (not pay)
  1. Penicillin ______ by Alexander Fleming in 1928. (discover)
  2. Statements ______ from all the witnesses at this moment. (take)
  3. Whales ______ by an international ban on whaling. (must protect)
  4. Both weddings _______ by Good Taste. (cater)
  5. A Picasso ____ from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.(steal)
  6. ____ this washing machine ______in Germany? (make)
  7. Tea _____ in China. (grow)
  8. When we reached the airport, we found that all the flights____ due to the storm. (cancel)
  9. The fax _____ until tomorrow morning. (not send)
  10. The soundtrack of a movie _____ always _____ after the filming is finished. (is/add)




  1. was discovered
  2. are being taken
  3. must be protected
  4. were catered
  5. was stolen
  6. Was/made
  7. is grown
  8. had been cancelled
  9. won’t be sent
  10. is/added

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